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AI in Nursing: The Future of Patient Monitoring and Diagnosis

The ethical application of AI has the potential to transform patient care and healthcare outcomes

Robot hand reaching toward human hand

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to learn from experience and perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as recognizing patterns, making decisions, and solving problems. While the popular imagination likes to contemplate how AI will replace humans, the reality is that AI is only as good as its training data. This is especially true in an industry like healthcare, where humans are superlative at creativity, innovation, and most importantly, empathy. But AI is making great strides in certain areas of medicine that have the potential to transform healthcare. One such area, for example, is medical imaging, where AI can detect abnormalities that are difficult for humans to identify. AI can also effortlessly analyze large datasets of patient information and identify patterns and predict disease risks for individual patients.

Likewise, the potential of AI in nursing is vast, and its impact is already being felt in many areas of patient care. It can greatly improve clinical decision-making, help nurses manage staffing and resources more effectively, and even clinical research can benefit from AI by being able to identify patient patterns and trends that help nurses develop new insights into treatment. Overall, as AI technology continues to advance, we can expect to see even more innovative solutions that will help nurses provide better care to their patients.

We’ll dive deeper into the impact that AI can have in the essential nursing components of patient monitoring and diagnosis, explain how AI can significantly enhance nursing education by providing innovative tools and resources to learn more efficiently, and investigate some of the challenges and ethical considerations of AI in nursing and in healthcare. We’ll close with some insights and potential trends of the future AI in nursing and provide useful links for more information on available Nursing programs.

AI in Patient Monitoring

Patient monitoring is an essential component of nursing practice. Manual vital signs monitoring such as palpation, auscultation, and visual inspection, and physical assessments of a patient’s appearance and mobility are common forms of patient monitoring. In addition, clinical observations, laboratory testing, and electronic monitoring, such as ECG monitors and cardiac monitors, are also commonly used to monitor patients in critical care settings. While traditional methods are still widely used, these methods often occur at fixed intervals and rely on human interpretation, which can be subjective and incomplete. They are also time-consuming and resource intensive.

Advancements in AI technology have led to the development of new methods of patient monitoring that can provide more detailed and accurate information. Here is a summary of these benefits:

  1. Accurate real-time data analysis: AI in patient monitoring can analyze patient data in real-time, allowing providers to monitor more frequently and detect changes in their health status quickly.
  2. Early detection of potential issues: AI in patient monitoring can detect subtle changes in patient data, as well as analyze laboratory data to identify trends that may indicate the onset of sepsis or other infections.
  3. Predictive analytics: AI in patient monitoring can analyze patient data to identify those at high risk for falls and recommend interventions such as bed alarms, restraints, or physical therapy.
  4. Personalized care: AI algorithms can analyze large data sets or medication data to identify potential drug interactions or side effects and recommend alternative medications or dosages.
  5. Resource optimization and reduced nursing workload: AI can detect patients who are at high risk for readmission and recommend interventions such as home health visits or follow-up appointments, as well as automate routine tasks such as data collection and analysis.

By providing more frequent and personalized monitoring, nurses can drastically improve patient outcomes. However, AI is not a replacement for human healthcare providers and should be used in conjunction with traditional patient monitoring methods.

AI in Diagnosis

Diagnosis in healthcare is a complex and challenging process that involves identifying the underlying cause of a patient’s symptoms. Like patient monitoring, patient diagnosis is time-consuming and resource-intensive, requiring lots of testing and evaluation, which only delays treatment and increases cost. It’s also subjective and prone to human error, especially with conditions that have complex or overlapping symptoms. In addition, there is currently no standardized approach to diagnosis, leading to inconsistent outcomes and the common phrase, “I want to get a second opinion.”

Integrating new technologies such as AI and machine learning into the diagnostic process could revolutionize the accuracy and speed of diagnosis. Here are some examples of studies where AI in diagnosis shows promising results:

  1. Radiology: An AI algorithm called Lunit INSIGHT CXR was found to be as accurate as human radiologists in detecting lung cancer from chest X-rays in a study published in The Lancet Digital Health.
  2. Pathology: An AI algorithm called PathAI was found to be more accurate than human pathologists in identifying breast cancer metastases in lymph nodes in a study published in JAMA Oncology.
  3. Dermatology: An AI algorithm called DermEngine was found to be more accurate than human dermatologists in identifying malignant melanoma in a study published in The Lancet Digital Health.
  4. Cardiology: An AI algorithm called Cardiologs was found to be more accurate than human cardiologists in identifying arrhythmias from ECG data in a study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

These AI-based diagnostic tools, however, do require further research and validation to ensure their effectiveness and safety in clinical practice. While the potential benefits of using AI in diagnosis are significant, there are also potential drawbacks to consider. For example, if the data used to train an AI algorithm is biased, it can lead to biased or inaccurate results. Implementing AI-based diagnosis tools in clinical practice can be a significant challenge, particularly for healthcare providers who may not have a background in AI or data analysis. AI algorithms can also be difficult to interpret and explain, making it difficult for healthcare providers to use them effectively in clinical practice. There are also legal and ethical concerns around issues of data privacy, liability, and the potential for harm to patients. Lastly, implementing tools for AI in diagnosis can be expensive and require significant investment in infrastructure and training.

Medical technology concept

AI in Nursing Education

AI has the potential to significantly enhance nursing education by providing innovative tools and resources that can help nursing students learn more efficiently and effectively. With the help of AI, educational institutions can create a more personalized learning experience, provide virtual simulations, develop a more engaging curriculum, and offer remote-style learning opportunities. However, nursing education faces several limitations that can impact the quality of education that nursing students receive.

Let’s take a closer look at how AI addresses limitations of nursing education and the AI tools and platforms that can be used to address these limitations:

  1. Limited clinical experiences: Simulation-based learning is an AI-based tool that provides nursing students with realistic scenarios to practice their skills in a safe, controlled environment, which not only helps them develop their clinical skills, but improves their confidence before working with real patients.
  2. Limited resources: Personalized learning algorithms can help nursing educators create more comprehensive and engaging curriculum materials that are tailored to the needs of their students. It can analyze individual student performance and adapt teaching methods to fit each student’s unique learning style.
  3. Limited teaching quality: Adaptive learning platforms provide a more standardized education across all nursing education programs, ensuring that all nursing students receive a high-quality education regardless of where they attend school.
  4. Limited specialized training: AI-based simulations can provide nursing students with training in specialized areas, like critical care or pediatrics, that they may not have access to otherwise.

While there are many potential benefits of using AI in nursing education, there are also some potential drawbacks that need to be considered. One of the main concerns is the risk of over-reliance on technology, which could lead to the de-skilling of nursing students and a lack of emphasis on the interpersonal skills that are essential to providing high-quality patient care. There may also be limitations in the accuracy and reliability of AI-based tools, and nursing students need to know when to rely on their own judgment and expertise. Ethical considerations around privacy, data security, and algorithmic bias, must also be taken into account to ensure that AI-based tools are used ethically and responsibly. The development and implementation of AI-based tools can be expensive, which could create disparities in nursing education. Finally, there is the natural resistance to change—nursing educators and students may be resistant to AI, particularly if they feel inadequately trained to use them.

Implementation and Challenges of AI in Nursing

Integrating AI into nursing practice is not without its challenges. It can be a complex process that requires careful planning and preparation, which is why investments in training are so important. Another challenge is in the quality of AI-generated insights and ensuring that they are accurate and reliable. Additionally, workflow integration, regulatory compliance, and ongoing evaluation are critical for the success of AI-based tools to ensure AI is used effectively and ethically.

Let’s take a deeper look at some of the key challenges and how they can be addressed.

  • Bias: Unfair and inaccurate predictions related to bias can perpetuate existing inequalities in healthcare. To address this, healthcare organizations should test AI models for bias and take steps to mitigate any bias that is identified to ensure that AI models are fair and accurate for all patients, regardless of their race, gender, or other characteristics.
  • Standardization: A lack of standardization in AI models can lead to inconsistent results. Healthcare organizations must work to develop standardized frameworks and must collaborate across the industry to ensure that best practices are being followed.
  • Data quality: Incomplete, inconsistent, or siloed data can be a challenge. Healthcare organizations must invest in data management and integration tools to ensure that data is consistent and reliable.
  • Trust and transparency: Patients and providers must understand how AI is being used and have confidence in the accuracy and fairness of AI-generated insights.
  • Regulatory compliance: Privacy, data security, and patient safety requirements must be met at all times and healthcare organizations must work to stay up to date with changes in regulations.
  • Collaboration: Increased collaboration between healthcare professionals, who can provide valuable insights into the needs and priorities of patients, and technology experts, who can bring expertise in AI development and data analysis will ensure that AI is clinically relevant, effective, and safe.

Ethical Considerations of AI

The use of AI in healthcare raises important ethical considerations that must be carefully addressed. If AI algorithms are used to make clinical decisions, patients may feel that their autonomy is being undermined. Healthcare organizations must also consider who is accountable if an AI algorithm produces a biased or inaccurate result. Lastly, if certain populations are underrepresented in the data used to train AI algorithms, they may be disadvantaged by the resulting clinical decisions.

Nurses are the front-line advocates in healthcare and as such, play a critical role in ensuring the ethical use of AI in nursing practice. For example, they can advocate for the use of ethical guidelines by working with policymakers. They can advocate for diverse data to train AI algorithms. Nurses also have a responsibility to protect patient privacy and can be the first to involve patients in the decision-making process—communicating transparently about the use of AI in a patient’s care. Nurses also have a responsibility to be accountable and knowledgeable about the potential risks and limitations of AI and take responsibility for addressing any issues that arise.

There are guidelines and regulations that provide a framework for healthcare professionals to inform their decisions about using AI. For example, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires that healthcare organizations obtain explicit consent from patients before collecting and using their personal data. The American Nurses Association Code of Ethics outlines the ethical responsibilities of nurses, including the responsibility to provide safe and compassionate care, to advocate for patients, and to respect patient autonomy. An initiative called the IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems has developed a set of guidelines for the ethical design and use of AI systems.

Smiling medical team using laptops

Future of AI in Nursing

Future developments in AI can provide substantial benefits to nursing. Take AI’s ability to analyze vast amounts of patient data and develop personalized treatment plans based on individual patient characteristics, or remote patient monitoring, which can alert nurses to potential health issues before they become critical. Automation and robotics could help nurses administer medication, improve efficiency, and reduce workload, and enhanced diagnosis and treatment tools could improve accuracy and speed. Then there’s natural language processing, which can reduce the workload of nursing staff and improved communication and coordination between nurses, physicians, and other healthcare professionals.

Across all these potential developments, issues of privacy, data integrity, lack of standardization, potential bias in AI models, and the need for appropriate training and oversight remain common themes and concerns that need to be addressed if a healthcare organization is going to integrate AI.

Final Thoughts

The potential of AI to revolutionize patient care and transform nursing is immense. Through enhanced patient monitoring, faster and more accurate diagnosis, and improved education and treatment, AI has the potential to greatly improve quality of care and patient outcomes. While there are challenges and potential drawbacks to using AI in healthcare, the key to unlocking its potential must include appropriate training, oversight, and collaboration between healthcare professionals, technology experts, and policymakers. Doing so will ensure that AI is implemented responsibly and ethically, resulting in significant advancements in patient care and drastically reduced workloads for nursing staff.

Aspiring nurses who want to make a difference in healthcare can read the Brookline College blog on how to become a Registered Nurse and explore Brookline’s nursing programs, such as our Bachelor of Science in Nursing program, our Practical Nursing Program, and Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program Track. In addition, explore the highest paying nursing jobs, as well as discover different types of nursing careers, nursing responsibilities, requirements, salary*, and job outlook.