Inspector with a hard hat

How to Become a Health and Safety Engineer

Duties, Responsibilities, Schooling, Requirements, Certifications, Job Outlook, and Salary For all the marvels of modern society, there are still many potential hazards to be found throughout various industries, workplaces, and even the infrastructure we rely on every day. Everywhere from consumer products to construction sites, it’s in the public’s best interest to have certain professionals […]

Healthy businesswoman at a desk

How to Become a Health and Wellness Manager

Duties, Responsibilities, Schooling, Requirements, Certifications, Job Outlook, and Salary From private companies to nonprofit charities to government offices, many organizations realize the benefits of implementing health and wellness programs that benefit employees and communities alike. After all, healthier, happier people make better employees, friends, and neighbors! And, of course, any successful health and wellness program […]

Smiling healthcare team

How to Become a Health Informatics Specialist

Duties, Responsibilities, Schooling, Requirements, Certifications, Job Outlook, and Salary From fitness and sleep apps to major hospital networks and medical device manufacturers, health and wellness data is becoming a huge part of life in the 21st century. Many experts think we’ve really only begun to scratch the surface of what’s possible. As the amount of […]

Medical professional using a headset and laptop

How to Become a Public Health Program Manager

Duties, Responsibilities, Schooling, Requirements, Certifications, Job Outlook, and Salary Public health programs come in many shapes and sizes, from educational programs like quit-smoking campaigns to disease-prevention efforts like free cancer or STI screenings. But, whatever their mission, all public health programs have a couple of things in common—they help communities get healthier, and they depend […]

Health professional giving a lecture

How to Become a Biostatistician

Duties, Responsibilities, Schooling, Requirements, Certifications, Job Outlook, and Salary Just about every aspect of modern society is becoming increasingly reliant on gathering and analyzing data, and for good reason. The ability to spot and study big-picture informational trends helps solve problems and improve results everywhere from marketing to inventory management. However, there’s arguably no better […]

African-American healthcare professional

How to Become a Public Healthcare Consultant

Duties, Responsibilities, Schooling, Requirements, Certifications, Job Outlook, and Salary Public health programs and organizations do a lot of good for many people by improving access to care and educating the general public on how to live healthier, more gratifying lives. And because so many public health initiatives are project-based, there’s an ongoing need for specialized, […]