Aerial view of a man on a laptop and virtual symbols next to a sign that says HIPAA

A Guide to HIPAA Compliance for Nurses

Learn how nurses demonstrate their commitment to ethical standards of healthcare practice. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a pivotal federal law enacted in 1996 to enhance the security and confidentiality of individuals’ health information. Its primary goals are to ensure the portability of health insurance coverage for individuals between jobs, streamline […]

Aerial view of a Travel Nurse using a laptop

How to Become a Travel Nurse

Learn about the skills, salary, job outlook, and educational requirements for becoming a travel nurse. Becoming a travel nurse is an enticing career choice in today’s dynamic healthcare landscape. The healthcare industry is continually evolving, with a significant surge in demand for specialized nursing skills due to various factors. An aging population, advancements in medical […]

Nursing students walking in a hallway

Top 10 Portable Healthcare Jobs in 2023

Learn what roles enable you to transition your skills across various healthcare settings. In today’s evolving job landscape, the concept of portable jobs has gained significant traction within the healthcare sector. Portable jobs offer professionals the remarkable flexibility to transition their skills seamlessly across various healthcare settings. This dynamic approach not only accommodates the changing […]

Serious young medical professional on a laptop

Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing

The Importance of Research and Continuing Education The nursing profession has long recognized the critical importance of research and continuing education in ensuring that nurses are equipped with the most up-to-date knowledge and skills needed to provide high-quality patient care. Research provides nurses with evidence-based practice guidelines that inform their decision-making and continuing education helps […]

Group of clapping medical professionals

12 Reasons Why the Demand for Nurses Is Growing

Opportunities to build and expand the nursing workforce of the future In recent years, the demand for nurses has been steadily increasing for a myriad of environmental and socio-economic reasons. These reasons, while varied and complex, highlight the crucial role that nurses play in healthcare systems. Building a nursing workforce that can effectively provide the […]

Healthcare workers forming a heart with their hands

The Role of Nurses in Community Health

Extending healthcare beyond the walls of hospitals and clinics and into the heart of communities. Nurses are invaluable members of the healthcare team in community settings. These frontline professionals are involved in everything from health promotion and education, disease prevention and management, emergency response and preparedness, advocating for health equity, and so much more. This […]